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November 20, 2012

"Nothing is Worth More Than Health"

In one of the famous journal it was given:
      "Muscles metabolize calories when they are stimulated. One pound of muscle metabolizes 35 – 50 calories every 24 hours. However, the more muscle used, the greater the stimulation, and in turn the more calories required. In running, you use approximately 25% of the body’s muscles. That 25% is only put through about 15% of its range of motion. That is: 15% X 25% = 3.75% of the body’s muscle cells being stimulated by running. Calories are burned because of the duration and repetition of that exercise. 
      In contrast, a typical yoga practice uses the muscle’s full range of motion, and the muscle is almost completely stimulated. With practice, a yogi or yogini is contracting, stretching and putting resistance on a large percentage of the body’s muscles, through nearly 100% of their range of motion. Therefore, the typical yoga practice is a more efficient use of muscle tissue and higher caloric expenditure results."

How does yoga work?
 Asanas (postures), focus on body parts, and pranayama (breathing techniques) to integrate the "Body with mind" and "Mind with soul".

The body
Yoga asanas (postures or poses) helps to condition your body. This is one way of controlling each and every part of your body.There are thousands of yoga poses, and in Sanskrit, these poses are called kriyas (actions), mudras (seals), and bandhas (locks). A kriya focuses on the effort necessary to move energy up and down the spine; yoga mudra is a gesture or movement to hold energy or concentrate awareness; and a bandha uses the technique of holding muscular contractions to focus awareness.
 First we need to understand why breathing is incorporated in yoga practice. These breathing techniques are called 'Pranayamas'. Our body requires oxygen are depending on our actions. If we exercise then more oxygen is required so breathing becomes faster and with force but if we are relaxing then this need of vital energy is lower and the breathing becomes relaxed and deep. Also the mental activities affect the breathing.

So for physical and mental functions, breath is very important. In Yoga practice, we integrate focus on breath during slow movements as well as while maintaining asanas or yoga positions.

If we focus on breathing, the control of breathing shifts from brain stem / medulla oblongata to cerebral cortex (evolved part of brain). The thoughts and emotions are by passed and mind can experience focus, and calm awareness. The emotional stress, random thoughts are removed. The emotions create tension in muscles, stiffness and blockages to flow of Prana. Awarenss of breath helps manage this emotional disturbances and makes the prana or energy free flowing.

           So the asanas and breathing together creates a miracle on our body.This can control each and every body organ. 

   Start doing from today.My post gives a step by step procedure of  asanas and the benefits.


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