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January 09, 2013

Foods which can Cause & Eliminate Pains (Inflammation)

Human body is a mechanical robot in which the  performance  mainly depends upon what food you   intake daily  , this becomes  crucial for  many conditions, such as diabetes or blood pressure or some cancer or chronic pains , it would be great if the right food could also help ease  pain of your body. Unfortunately, the link between food and pain is not as clear. 
However, inflammation is a key cause of pain in many conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). And there is some evidence to suggest that certain foods might help ease inflammation. Medication is proven to help RA symptoms, but some people do feel that food affects how they feel and function. 
Here are some foods that could be potentially harmful or helpful when it comes to pain; use trial and error to see if they work you.
Foods that Reduce Inflammation:
Olive Oil:
Olive oil works well as it  contains  omega-3 's  as in fish protein , this will potentially reduces painful joint inflammation. It's also a staple of the famed Mediterranean diet, which helps not only  to  reduce  rheumatoid arthritis , but also to enhance physical function and vitality. A compound called oleocanthal, which gives olive oil its taste, may have the same effect in the body as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). 
Turmeric :
Turmeric is  one of the best anti septic . This spice, used widely in India and other parts of Asia to add taste and also a creamy yellow color to foods, may also have some anti-inflammatory properties, although those effects are likely to be "very, very mild,". The magic ingredient may be curcumin, the active compound in turmeric.

Some research suggests dairy products are good for rheumatoid arthritis while others seem to indicate that they’re bad. 
People who are allergic to the protein casein found in milk will develop joint swelling if they drink milk. This is true even if they don’t have rheumatoid arthritis. 
On the other hand, a study of almost 30,000 women in Iowa found that those who consumed high levels of vitamin D via various milk products had a lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D may have anti-inflammatory effects in the body.
Onions one of the super foods with ultimate taste , contain tons of phyto chemicals that may reduce inflammation. One study identified quercetin, a compound found in this vegetable, as a possible mediator for this effect. Onions have also shown some anti-cancer effects. And let's not forget they add taste, with virtually no calories.
A clove of garlic may be able to fight off arthritis . Like onions, this flavorful little bulb may have properties (phyto chemicals ) that may keep your joints from aching.
Salmon is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and these same compounds may also help reduce pain-promoting inflammation. That makes it a win-win for people with rheumatoid arthritis, who have greater risk of heart trouble than people without RA.
Studies have suggested that the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may protect against developing rheumatoid arthritis and could mitigate the severity of the disease.  Tuna, mackerel and sardines are also excellent sources of omega-3.
These berries contain phytochemicals known as anthocyanins, which may offer a benefit. Anthocyanins stop inflammatory compounds in their tracks, .
In one study, animals treated with red-raspberry extract were less likely to develop arthritis and less likely to have severe arthritis if they did develop the condition. There was also a protective effect on cartilage. Anthocyanins are responsible for the vibrant blue, red and purple colors seen in a variety of berries.
Rich Green Veggies:
A vegetable-rich diet in general may be very helpful. One study found that people who regularly ate cooked vegetables had a 61% decreased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis compared to those who didn't. 
Other research has found that vegetarian diets may help with swollen joints and joint pain. Vegetables in general have been associated with a protective effect on the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
There's some evidence that tart cherries can affect the sensation of pain. And studies have shown decreases in blood levels of a number of different inflammatory markers associated with consuming this tree fruit. Cherries have a reputation for relieving gout, another form of arthritis that involves repeat episodes of pain. 
In fact, in  a study conducted researchers it was proved   that people who ate cherries over a period of two days had a 35% lower risk of gout attacks than those who didn't.
Eggplant is  the same category as tomatoes and potatoes. Evidence is mixed on the benefit—or harm—of these items. 
There are people who claim nightshades are helpful and others who claim they're aggravating or not helpful. There's no evidence that support claims one way or the other. And cutting out nightshades may cut you off from other helpful compounds, such as capsaicin in red peppers, which can dampen inflammation.
Some types of yogurt contain probiotics—or beneficial microorganisms—and some researchers now believe there may be a connection between rheumatoid arthritis  micreo organisms 
There's a theory that a healthy gut may control some of the inflammation . . . if you have good bacteria fighting for you. 

Foods which Increase Inflammation :
Gluten Rich Foods:
People with celiac disease, which is a severe gluten intolerance, can develop arthritis, so some people with rheumatoid arthritis steer clear of this ingredient. 
Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley, and many grain products including breads, pasta, and cereal. Some medicines, vitamins, and lip balms may contain gluten too. 
Sugar Rich Drinks:
Sugar Rich Drinks  tend to be low in nutrients and relatively high in calories, and may be a contributor to the obesity epidemic. 
In general, being overweight or obese can increase your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis by 24%, according to a recent study . Carrying around extra weight also puts unnecessary stress on already beleaguered joints. 
So it might be best to avoid them as part of your healthy-eating plan.
  • Keep in mind, though, that olive oil has as many calories as other types of fat so don't overdo it.
  • Keep in mind that eating a completely gluten-free diet can be a challenge (and expensive), so no need to do so if gluten doesn't seem to be a problem. 
  • Like other dairy products, yogurt may be fortified with beneficial vitamin D (check the label), but best to avoid it if you have an allergy.
  • There's really no clear evidence that sugary drinks are good or bad for chronic pain.
  • Choose gluten free diet which includes legumes, nuts, quinoa, and rice instead.  
  • Not only these  foods listed her even alcohol is proven to be one main cause for inflammation in some people so be sure of what you consume 
  • Make a note of  all the foods that cause inflammation  if you are allergic to some foods so that it helps you to balance your food options 

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