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April 08, 2015

Potato Chips Oven Baked

Preparing Time: 10 Minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Cuisine : American  (Snack )

Chips are an  accidental invention according to history , but  a great success .Potato chips are the best when it comes to snacking , let be served with a dip or salsa  or cheese or  by their own they seem to be ruling your taste buds to lurk for more and more .
IS eating packed and store bought chips  which are deep fried and loaded with tons of MSG's are always good for health?????
Hmmmm unfortunately they aren't. So, even reputed companies like Lays started their signature mark oven baked chips & successfully introduced  a new perspective in the flavors of chips  .
This oven baking is more healthy when compared to deep frying the chips , but when they are packed they are again loaded with MSG's , sodium which may hinder our health .
Should we have to sacrifice  chips when considered un healthy ??? NO , you can prepare these chips at home more easily than you think with less oil and sodium ,more importantly they are fresh from oven .You can play with different flavors , according to your taste when you master these little fellas .

Russet or Yukon Golden Potatoes 1 to 2 
Extra virgin Olive Oil 2 table spoons
Dried Herbs (parsley+oregano +garlic ) according to your choice
Salt 2 pinches 

Step 1: Peel and slice the potatoes thin with a slicer .
Step 2: Brush them oil on both sides , and arrange onto a baking sheet lined with aluminium foil .

Step 3: Pre- heat the oven to 425 degrees  Fahrenheit for  about five minutes , and place the cookie sheet on the middle rack 
Step 4: Bake until golden and crisp about 20 minutes . When done plate them out and sprinkle with herbs and salt when they are still hot . 
Step 5: Serve with a dip or just by themselves .


  1. You may have to check and turn  them in intervals , for even browning , otherwise they may end up burning  (I kind of burned some as small chips bake quickly )
  2. Use a slicer which gives uniformity to the chip while baking , otherwise it may be soggy at one place and crisp at other places 
  3. Try using a large potato which yields a good quality and quantity chips with better shape 

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